Who in the Hell Are We?

We are some SASSY mommas that are so excited to share our advice with YOU!  You can find us here, trending on twitter @themouthymommas or email us at mouthymommas@gmail.com.  Although we do have some blind contibutors from time to time, below are The Mouthy Mommas

Howdy!  I'm the sassy founder of Mouthy Mommas!  I have a 22 year old son and a 10 year old son because I thought it was important to have them close together.  Along with my 22 year old (current Naval recruit) is a 24 year old daughter in law (and fellow contributor) and a 2 year old sassy grandson.  I am a successful momma because I raised a child from infant to adult and he didn't die.  Or get thrown in jail.  And I didn't get them taken away.  Or fail miserably.... YET.    
Smooch!  Jen

Hey!  Meet moi... Kina!  I'm a young, stylish, 1/2 city 1/2 suburban mother of two swagtastic boys.  You can find me at every single sporting event (it seems), fashion shows, happy hours (God knows we NEED these) and a fabulous chair on your school's PTA.  I am the wife to an amazing man who manages to keep me in line.  When I'm not trying to watch my mouth, I am picking up after the 4 men in my  life... including our dog Hollister.
Peace, Kina

I'm Katie.  A red headed, sweet tea drinkin', sarcastic and sassy kind of girl.  I'm constantly searching for new ways to do my hair and I find funny in the awkward moments.  I strive not to sweat the small stuff, although fail miserable daily on that task.  I'm a wife to a United States Navy Sailor who forgives quicker and has a much purer heart than I.  His Virgo and my Capricorn tendencies balance each other out.  My biggest accomplishment is our perfectly handsome, red headed and onery two year old boy, Big E.  He has taught me unconditional, fierce love.  And while I'm no expert, I do enjoy sharing my opinion... after all, it's what we redheads do, just ask the two year old.
Hugs, Katie

Hi y'all!  My name is Tracye.  For more years than I care to count, I've been married to the love of my life.  Together we have 5 kids (4 boys and one girl smack in the middle) ages 11 to 21.  A US Marine, 2 college kids, a freshman in high school and a 6th grader.  We've moved around A LOT but are finally settled back at "home"... at least for now.  I've been a Stay at Home mom for 18 years and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.  Among other things, it's given me lots of time to try to figure out what I want to be when I grow up (STILL don't have an answer to that by the way...).  Like you, no one gave me a manual when I had my kids.  So I did what came naturally and tried to make the best decisions I could.  Most of them were probably wrong but somehow I've ended up with some pretty awesome kids.  And if I've messed up along the way, well that's what therapy is for!  I'm sure they'll thank me some day for the endless amounts of material I've supplied for their sessions!
Love, Tracye

I am known as Medusa, HellCat, KJ or Mom, but honestly I am not so sure most days!  I am pretty sure I have been married for 13 years but it feels more like 50!  I do know that i have managed to keep two demons, I mean boys, out of harms way and healthy which I give myself two thumbs up since I can't even keep a plant alive more than a few weeks.  I have a 10 year old going on 40 and an 8 year old who just entered the "Terrible Two's."  When I am not refereeing their ultimate death matches (every two minutes) I am shuttling from school to soccer to football and every other errand you can think of in between.  Yes, I even take the vehicles in for oil changes!  I have been a "Domestic Engineer" minus the cooking since I graduated college.  I am only a little OCD when it comes to cleaning so you better take your damn shoes off when you enter my house and please don't touch anything!  I do not have time to care if you like or hate me, think I am fat or skinny, like my clothes or think I'm a slob!  I do believe in being respectful to others and not judging.  I am truly appreciative, thankful and grateful for everything I have in life.  
Ciao, Kelly

Hey there, I'm Melissa.  I literally live life in the fast lane.  I somehow manage to balance a full time (and then some) career, the boys of the house and everything else that comes my way.  The little guys are currently 8 and 10 while the big guy and I have been married for 12 years.  Oh, and I can't forget the dog who contributes his own trials, tribulations and joy.  I have never been accused of being shy or lacking in opinion and am much more likely to be found mowing the yard or painting a room than doing anything in the kitchen.  Most of the time I can be found in the bleachers cheering on my future All-Stars.  In my spare time, I fit in a marathon here and there just to gain some "alone time" (now that's desperate)!  Life in the fast lane is always crazy but I couldn't imagine it any other way!
See ya, Mel

Hey there!  I'm Paula, an insanely busy, single mom juggling a career, two awesome boys (10 & 5, who are in my care 90% of the time), all our activities, a social life (yes, I insist on having ME time!) and whatever else throws my way... and somehow I do it all without medication or heavy drinking!  I know!!  How is that possible??!  Well, probably only because of Facebook or blogs like this one in addition to my incredibly supportive friends and family!  My oldest son has played sports on a fanatical basis since he was 3 1/2, including competitive baseball since he was 7.  I spend most of my 'free" time eating dust at the ball diamonds and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I deal with a really crappy co-parenting situation, if you can even call it that, but it is what it is.  My friends say I know a little bit about everything and I'm more than willing to impart that knowledge.  I have a knack for seeing both sides of the equation which makes me the kind of friend who will tell you what you NEED to hear even when it may not be what you WANT to hear.  I keep a positive outlook on life, doing the best I can for myself and my kids.  I know it will pay off one day!!
Later, Paula

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