Monday, July 23, 2012

Sick of the Shower

Dear Mouthy Mommas,

I have glass shower doors and I simply cannot get them clean, no matter how much I scrub and scrub. I've tried comet, bleach, vinegar, soft scrub. I have worn myself out trying to get the hard water stains removed.


Sick of the Shower


Dear Sick of the Shower,

I hear ya! I have found that depending on the quality of glass, they either come clean or they don't! 

Try spraying them first with Tilex soap scrum remover and then take a Mr. Clean magic eraser and wipe the doors down really good. Let it set for a little bit and then rinse. Squeegee them off and use Cinch instead of Windex to finish cleaning them. 

If your doors have that spiderweb appearance after this, I would say unfortunately that is as good as it gets. If it drives you that crazy, you could always "accidentally" break the glass and purchase new glass doors! ;) 

Good luck!  May your glass always sparkle without a pain in your ass!

Ciao, Kelly, TMM

1 comment:

  1. I've never tried it but I've heard lemon oil works too.
